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Chart and Table Configuration in Tabx


Chart and Table configuration allows you to:

  • Select the  Variables from within   Groups to be viewed on the chart or table.
  • Hide answers from within these   Variables from being included on the chart or table.
  • Select to further sub divide the analysis variable via a  Subset.
  • Choose a number of Global Options for chart and table output.
  • Choose a number of  Table Options for chart and table output.
  • Apply  Filters to the chart and table output.
  • Configure the look and feel of charts under the Settings tab.

Saving the Window / Card configuration

The configuration will automatically be saved every time a settings parameter is changed.

Variable selection

To select  Variables to view in the  Interrogate tool or the  Dashboard tool:

  • Click the  Settings button at the top right of a chart card / window.
  • Browse to the  Data Sources tab.
  • Choose a   Group for either of the selectable group drop-downs.
  • Choose a  Variable for either of the selectable variable drop-downs.
  • Your selection will be automatically applied to the window / card.

Sync a Variable to a Variable Control

When using the  Dashboard tool, the option to Sync either Variable 1 or 2 to a Variable Control on that Dashboard is also available. Choose the respective Variable Control from the Sync Variable 1 or 2 drop-downs. Read more about Filter Controls here.

Hiding Answers

In some circumstance it is desireable to hide answers within a given variable. For example, if the category of "Don't Know / Refused" is empty and thus not important to be included within a given chart or table, it can be hidden from view. To hide a particular answer in a window / card:

  • Click the  Settings button at the top right of a chart card / window.
  • Browse to the  Data Sources tab.
  • Check or un-check the appropriate answers from the list underneath the relevant  Variable.
  • Your selection will be automatically applied to the window / card.

It may be faster to Hide / Unhide all, then make your final selection.


Tabx supports a vertical break (as opposed as bannered cross break) of any  Variable by any other suitable   Variable. To apply a  Subset to a given variable analysis:

  • Click the  Settings button at the top right of a chart card / window.
  • Browse to the  Data Sources tab.
  • Choose your   Subset variable from the subset dropdown box.
  • Your selection will be automatically applied to the window / card.

Variable Arithmetics

Tabx supports a range of Arithmetic functions that can be applied to Scalar and Single type variables:

  • Click the  Settings button at the top right of a chart card / window.
  • Browse to the  Data Sources tab.
  • Choose your option from the Variable 1 Arithmetics dropdown box.
    • Sum
    • Mean Average
    • Index (data transformed to be a score out of 100)
    • Maximum
    • Minimum
    • Count
  • Your selection will be automatically applied to the window / card.

Global Options

To turn on or off any Gloabl options:

  • Click the  Settings button at the top right of a chart card / window.
  • Browse to the  Data Sources tab.
  • Click the appropriate options:
    •  Chart Type - this can be:
      • Column
      • Stacked Column
      • Bar
      • Stacked Bar
      • Area
      • Line
      • Radar *Needs two variables selected to work correctly*
      • Pie *Only one variable will be used if Pie selected*
      • Donut *Only one variable will be used if Donut selected* 
    • Weighted Data - Whether or not the output data in the table or chart is weighted (and uses the defined weight field inside the project). If no weight field has been selected, tabx will continue as if unweighted.
    • Chart Percentages - Whether or not the chart is output as a percentage scale, or n-number count scale.
    •  Low N-values- The number at which absolute values will be marked in red if they are under this limit.
    • 0.00 Decimal Places - To how many decimal places will the output numbers be displayed? This also affects table output.
  • Your selection will be automatically applied to the window / card.

Table Options

To turn on or off any Table specific options:

  • Click the  Settings button at the top right of a chart card / window.
  • Browse to the  Data Sources tab.
  • Click the appropriate options:
    • Table Row Percentages - Whether or not to include row percentage output on the generated table.
    • Row % Delta - Whether or not to include a Row % delta output on the generated table.
    • Table Column Percentages - Whether or not to include column percentages on the generated table.
    • Column % Delta - Whether or not to include a Row % delta output on the generated table.
    • Absolute N Numbers - Whether or not to include absolute n-numbers on the generated table.
    • Absolute Delta - Whether or not to include delta output for absolute n-numbers on the generated table.
    • Significance Test 95% - Whether or not to include column comparison significance testing within the generated table at 95% significance.
    • Significance Test 99% - Whether or not to include column comparison significance testing within the generated table at 99% significance.
  • Your selection will be automatically applied to the window / card.


    Tabx has a powerful and fast filtering system. To apply any number of filters to the output table and chart:

    • Click the  Settings button at the top right of a chart card / window.
    • Browse to the  Filters tab.
    • Turn on / off any filters you want to apply to your base.
    • Your selection will be automatically applied to the window / card.

    Sync Filters to a Filter Control

    When using the  Dashboard tool, the option to Sync to any available Filter Control is also available. Read more about Filter Controls here.

    Chart Output Configuration

    The following features of the output chart can be configured:

    •  Text Angle - The angle of the categories within the chart.
    • Switches
      •  Grid - Turn the grid on / off on the chart.
      •  Legend - Turn the chart legend on or off.
      •  Legend position - Either top or bottom of the chart.
      •  View Type - View the "[SC]" or "[MC]" variable type denotations within the chart title. This also affect table output.
      •  Chart Title - Turn on / off the title on the chart.
    •  Chart Colours - The chart colours can be configured to match your or your clients branding. These colours are configured per chart.

    See Also

    Using the Interrogate Tool in Tabx
    Using the Analysis Tool in Tabx
    Using the Dashboard Tool in Tabx
    Filter and Variable Control Configuration in Tabx
    Gauge Configuration in Tabx

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    Lifetime license, 1000 rows / 200 variables per project, 2 project slots.

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