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User Defined (Derived or Net) Variables in Tabx


Derived variables can be constructed quickly and easily in tabx. Once created, Derived variables can be added to groups just like any other variable in the project, and used in the Interrogate, Dashboard or  Analysis tools.

Creating a Derived Variable

To construct a Derived variable within a project:

  • Browse to the  Account page using the navigation at the top of the window.
  • Browse to the  ProjectsTab.
  • Click the  Edit button for the Project you wish to edit, on the Projects table.
  • Browse to the  User Defined Variables tab.
  • Enter a name (code) for the new variable in the 1. New Variable Name text box.
  • Enter a label for the new variable in the 2. New Variable Label text box.
  • Choose a group from the 3. Group select box.
    • Select a variable from the 4. Select Root Variables select box. This will load the chosen variable into the 5. Create New Answer Categories area.
    • Enter a New Answer Code (integer) value for a new answer category.
    • Enter a New Answer Label for the new answer category.
    • Select one or more answer categories from the chosen root variable.
    • Click 6. Add New Answer Category. This will add this derived answer category definition to the Current Answer Categories box. Note that tabx will also detail how many respondents are included within this answer category definition.
    • Repeat the above process until all definitions for the new Derived variable answer categories are made.
    • NOTES
      • Each new answer category can only be derived from one or more Root Variable's answer categories. However, a derived variable can have new answer categories chosen from many root variables.
      • The respondent counts only display a count from each individual new answer category. The actual total base (unfiltered) may vary depending on the choice of root variables and root answer categories.
      • The New Answer Code box will automatically increment by one every time a new answer category is defined. This code can be overwritten if needed.
      • Tabx will show whether the derived variable being created will be a new Multi type, or new Single type variable.
  • Click 7. Save New Variable to add this derived variable into the project. Any required fields that do not have a valid value will highlight in red. You should see a yellow confirmation box appear at the top of the page confirming the Derived Variable has been saved.
    • Newly added Derived variables can now be seen in the Current Derived Variables table on the  User Defined Variables tab, the  Variables tab and the  Multis tab.
    • The added Derived variable will now be ready for use in the Interrogate,  Dashboard or  Analysis tools.

Removing a Derived Variable

Derived variables can be removed from a project easily:

  • Browse to the Account page using the navigation at the top of the window.
  • Browse to the  ProjectsTab.
  • Click the  Edit button for the Project you wish to edit, on the Projects table.
  • Browse to the User Defined Variables tab.
  • Find the multi type variable you wish to remove on the Current Derived Variablestable.
  • Click and confirm the  button.
  • You should see a yellow confirmation box confirming the project has been saved, and the Derived variable has been removed.
  • WARNING: Removing Derived variables may cause a loss of configured charts and tables within tabx, as any settings that included this variable will be reset.

Editing a Derived Variable

At any point, the Variable Label, the  Group and any Answer Category Labels can be modified for a Derived variable. To edit a Derived variable:

  • Browse to the  Account page using the navigation at the top of the window.
  • Browse to the  ProjectsTab.
  • Click the  Edit button for the Project you wish to edit, on the Projects table.
  • Browse to the  Variables tab if the Derived variable is a Single type variable, or the Multis tab if the Dervied variable is a Multi type variable.
  • Find the Derived variable you wish to edit in the Variables list or  Current Multis table respectively.
    • Enter any new text in the Variable Label box.
    • Click the  button to edit any Answer Category Labels
    • Choose a new Group from the Group select box.
  • Click Save Variables.
  • You should see a yellow confirmation box confirming the project has been saved, and the Derived variable has been edited.

See Also

Basic Project Management in Tabx

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