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Using the Dashboard Tool in Tabx


The  Dashboard tool is great for viewing trending and wave based survey data; projects within tabx can have new data appended to them at ant point. To use the  Dashboard, Charts and Tables must be enabled for that project.

Adding New Dashboards

Projects can contain multiple dashboards per user. The project hiearchy is as follows:

  • License
    • Project
      • Dashboard
        • User Specific Settings
        • User Specific Settings etc...
      • Dashboard
        • User Specific Settings
        • User Specific Settings etc...
      • Dashboard etc...
    • Project etc...

When a user views the dashboard tool for the first time, a default dashbaord will be created containing a default chart+table combo. To add another Dashboard, for that user, to the project:

  • Browse to the  Dashboard tool.
  • Open the sidebar by clicking the  Menu button at the top left of the page.
  • Click  Add Dash.
  • Enter a name for the new dashboard.
  • Click the green Add Dashboard button.
  • You will be redirected to the newly created dashboard.

Removing Dashboards from a Project

Dashboards can only be removed by License Administrators and Editors with access to that project. See the Basic Project Management article for more information.

Dashboard Cards

Adding Cards

A  Dashboard is constructed using "Cards" which are Chart + Table pairs, Filter or Variable Controls, Gauges or Text/Image blocks. The cards and their settings are unique to that user, and the  Dashboard tool. To add a card to the   Dashboard tool:

  • Open the sidebar by clicking the  Menu button at the top left of the page.
  • Click Add Chart or Add Gauge or Add Filter Control or Add Variable Control or Add Dashboard Switcher or  Add Text / Image
  • A new card will be added into the dashboard for you to configure.

Showing & Hiding Chart + Table Cards

Every Chart on the  Dashboard tool also has a corresponding table. These tables are hidden by default, but can be shown in the dashboard:

  • Click the  Settings button at the top right of the chart card you wish to show the table of.
  • Move the  Show Table switch to "On".
  • The table will appear inside the dashboard for you to configure.

Likewise, the chart counterpart to the table card can also be turned off, but only if the table card is visible:

  • Click the  Settings button at the top right of the Chart or Table card you wish to hide the Chart of.
  • Move the  Show Chart switch to "Off".
  • The chart will now be hidden.

Card Layering

Cards are organised into layers on the dashboard. The default layer is 1, however the range of layers is 0 - 20. The lower the layer, the "further back" that card will display. The card's layer can be set in that card's settingsa dialogue.

For example, you may want to add a small icon over a chart - to do this, set the Chart's layer to 1, then add a Text / Image card, setting it's layer to 2. The text / Image card can now be dragged on top of the Chart card.

Moving and Resizing Cards

Cards can be moved and resized and this is best done on a desktop PC or Laptop, as some touch devices will be unable to register the drag attempt. To move or resize a card:

  • To move a Chart or Table card click and drag anywhere on that card.
  • To move a Control Card or Gauge, click and drag the icon, visible when you hover over that card at the top right of that card.
  • To resize a card, click and drag any of the four white bars that surround the edges of the card when you hover over it.

Cards can also be controlled down to a pixel level accuracy from the Sidebar > Dashboard Cards section.

Undoing layout changes

You can undo your last resize or movement of Dashboard Cards by clicking the Undo button on the top header bar. 

Configuring Charts and Table Cards

Any Chart / Table card can be configured by clicking the  Settings button in the top right of the card. The configuration process can be viewed here.

Configuration of Control, Gauge and Dashboard Switcher Control Cards

Any Control, Gauge or Dashboard Switcher card can be configured by clicking the  button in the top right of the card. The configuration process can be viewed here.

Dashboard Layout Modifications

Any layout changes you make to the dashboard cards (position and size) are automatically saved.

View Mode in Dashboards

Once a Dashboard has been constructed, it is often no longer necessary to be able to drag and drop, or resize Cards. Enabling View Mode disables all hover functionality of the cards in the dashboard, allowing a user to interact with the Charts, Tables, Controls and Switchers without affecting layout. To enable View Mode:

  • Open the sidebar by clicking the  Menu button at the top left of the page.
  • Click the Enable View Mode button.

See Also

Using the Interrogate Tool in Tabx
Using the Analysis Tool in Tabx
Chart and Table Configuration in Tabx

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Lifetime license, 1000 rows / 200 variables per project, 2 project slots.

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